US Patent #9,968,581

The following conditions have one thing in common:
- Arthritis
- Allergies
- Alzheimer’s
- Asthma
- Heart Disease
- Gingivitis
- Autoimmune Disorder
- Lupus
All of these conditions affect different parts of the body, yet still have something very serious in common: inflammation. Each year, scientists find more and more conditions that inflammation is thought to play a key roll in.
What is inflammation?
Inflammation is our body’s first reaction to infection. When a person gets a cut, for instance (which damages the tissue), those dreaded invaders (called bacteria) enter the body, and the immune system kicks in immediately. This defense mode sends out many different types of specialized immune cells. Each cell has a different job. Mast cells release histidine and cytokines which alert your body of the damage. Histidine’s main job is to increase blood flow to this damaged area which is what causes the redness and swelling. Cells found in the connective tissue and epidermis of the skin called macrophages (commonly called large eating cells), then enter into the area. Macrophages’ job is to secrete immune messenger that destroys the bacteria, cleaning up the damaged area. The final process is for the cavalry of immune cells to enter the infected area to help with the battle, followed by more cells which begin the healing process.
During this healing process, the area will become red, hot, swollen, and usually very painful. What causes this?
Redness: increased blood flow to the area
Hotness: the battle taking place to kill bacteria and heal the area
Swollen: excess fluid and cells at the site
Pain: the indicator of inflammation
Common causes of inflammation that people experience where the skin becomes hot to the touch, swollen, and painful include a sunburn, a twisted ankle, or an insect bite.
Remember, inflammation is our body’s way of notifying us that there is damage and most importantly, the way our defense keeps invaders from entering our body and causing serious injury. Keep in mind that if this inflammation becomes chronic or low grade, our immune cells stay active which can cause serious damage to good tissue. If this chronic inflammation is left unresolved, it will create other diseases; leading to a very painful and damaging inflamed state, attacking the joints, organs, or arteries.
What causes inflammation?
As discussed previously, inflammation is an effective method of ensuring that invaders do not enter our bodies and create problems. Invaders can enter from such things as a cut or sunburn.
But outward origins like stress, parasites, viruses, bacteria, environmental poisons, sugar, overeating (obesity), smoking and high blood insulin are just a few other causes of inflammation. There is also a variety of foods that can promote inflammation. Foods that are high in arachidonic acid, like eggs, beef, dairy products, and organ meats (liver, heart, and giblets) are great inflammation promoters. The body has a very complicated process that breaks down this arachidonic acid into inflammatory agents, including prostaglandin and leukotrienes (hormones) which control the mechanisms of inflammation by constricting blood vessels and promoting blood clots.
Foods that are over-cooked or fried at high temperatures also incite the inflammatory response. This response is due to AGES (Advanced Glycation End Products) which the body sometimes treats as an invader. These AGES are produced when protein is bound to a glucose molecule, and are very difficult for the body to break down. As the body attempts to do so, immune cells secrete large amounts of inflammatory cytokines, which act in the same way they would against an infection. A lot of the diseases occurring today which are contributed to old age are actually caused by this process. Depending on where the AGES occur, arthritis, cataracts, memory loss, heart disease, or wrinkled skin could result.
So as you can see, inflammation can be positive, preventing the spread of bacteria throughout the body; or negative, leading to AGES and possibly arthritics, caused by actions like over-cooking your food.
Conventional Treatments for Inflammation
The pharmaceutical industry has many different types of drugs that merely mask the symptoms or decrease the pain for a short period of time. Research is underway to develop different types of drugs that could actually inhibit the inflammatory process. But as with any drug, there comes a variety of unwanted side effects, etc. Of course, you taking painkillers to relieve the pain is an option, but once again this is simply masking and not preventing or curing the problem.
The main goal of the pharmaceutical industry thus far has been to develop drugs which control the pain. This over-the-counter pain control market saw North Americans alone spend over 3.9 billion dollars in 2005. Acetaminophen was the most popular followed by ibuprofen and then good old aspirin. As a matter of record, more pain medications are purchased for arthritics than any other disorder.
These NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) do come with a price, however. When taken in higher doses they cause liver damage and kidney failure. Statistics have shown that long-term use of NSAIDs to cause over 20,000 deaths in the USA annually. In addition to this, over 121,000 North Americans are hospitalized each year from side effects such as gastrointestinal complications (bleeding, nausea, vomiting), liver damage, stomach ulcers, immune system depression, mental confusion, and finally, kidney failure.
Some of the more famous advertised arthritic drugs, have more side effects than letters in the Greek alphabet. This is just what we need, to mask one pain and come up with 10 other ailments that are side effects to these dangerous drugs.
Natural Remedies
There are many natural remedies that can be found all throughout local health food stores. Some are just O.K., and most are a waste of money. They usually come with a lot of hype and marketing, but when you try them, they do absolutely nothing to help with inflammation or pain. Glucosamine products have been shown to provide some relief, but this compound must be taken in high dosages. At these higher dosages, Glucosamine has been shown to raise blood sugar levels; another unwanted side effect. With the natural foods market being so unregulated unless you know for sure that a supplement company does extensive in-house testing, who knows what you as a consumer may be ingesting? I can guarantee that the company that produced it doesn’t have a clue.
What is Kre-Celazine® ?
Kre-Celazine® is a “non-drug” patented ingredient that has been medically and clinically proven to reduce pain and rapidly promote joint health, improving flexibility and mobility along with reducing inflammation. Kre-Celazine® is a complex material consisting of bonding Kre-Alkalyn® (US Patent 6,399,661) with esterified fatty acid carbons. The esterifying process makes the fatty acid stable so it does not react with oxygen. (This is not esterified creatine, the fatty acids have been esterified). Inflammation can shorten our lifespan by promoting many degenerative diseases, so the benefits of Kre-Celazine® are essential to reduce this risk.
Kre-Celazine® is a trademark of All American Pharmaceutical. US Patent 6,399,661 is registered to BioCeuticals Research & Development Analytical Laboratories. Other patents are issued and pending worldwide.
Kre-Celazine® as a raw material is manufactured by Rocky Mountain Chemical Company and processed by All American Pharmaceutical.