
We test every ingredient & every product we make for purity, potency & contamination.

The outstanding quality of the product we deliver to you is what we are most passionate about. Amazing as it might sound, it’s not the incredible selection of products & formulations that we produce each year for numerous clients that makes us most proud. It’s the quality control standards we’ve set up and follow through every phase of product development. From the moment the raw materials enter our plant, until finished products appear in your warehouse, we ensure every product meets our incredibly high standard of excellence.

with us there are no production oversights which could lead to recalls and related lawsuits or other money-draining hassles

In today's competitive marketplace it’s more critical than ever before that you protect your brand at all costs. That’s why we produce all products using drug manufacturing standards which are higher than those required for nutritional supplements. Even though our strict guidelines are not required by law, we believe following them makes our products far superior, while also providing our customers with an added measure of assurance.

Unmatched quality with our 3-Phase testing

Our testing methods are so rigorous, we catch 100% of all contaminated raw materials BEFORE they ever make it through our doors… and into your products!

  • Phase 1

    Incoming raw testing material


      To confirm the ID of a given Raw Material and the accuracy of the Certificate of Analysis (COA) we use FTNIR (near infrared technology).


      Vendor COA claims are checked for purity by HPLC, GC or ICP.

      Heavy metals

      We test for Arsenic, Cadmium, Lead and Mercury. Heavy Metals must be under the USP specified guidelines.


      We test for Total Plate count, Total Yeast and Mold count and Coliform bacteria to make sure that the Raw Material complies with the USP, AHPA and FDA guidelines.


      Raw Materials are tested for E. coli, Salmonella, and Staphylococcus aureus pathogens (as needed).

      Drug screen

      Raw Materials are tested for banned steroidal substances (as needed).

  • Phase 2

    During production testing


      We perform ATP swab tests prior to batch production and allergen swab tests as needed to ensure equipment is free of potential contamination or microbes.

      Identity check

      We use FTNIR to confirm the ID of a given in-process mix to ensure it contains the correct raw ingredients.

      Purity check

      Purity is checked by using HPLC, GC, and/or ICP to ensure the in-process mix will create a final product that meets label claims.

  • Phase 3

    During production testing

      Identity check

      We use FTNIR to confirm the ID of a Finished Product.

      Purity (label claim)

      We check the purity by HPLC, GC, and/or ICP if there is a label claim on the Finished Product COA.

      Microbial check

      We test for Total plate count, Total Yeast and Mold count and Coliform bacteria to make sure that the Finished Product complies with specifications.

      Pathogens check

      We test again for the following pathogens, E. coli, Salmonella, and Staphylococcus aureus (as needed).


      We list the allergens, if present in the Finished Product.

      Heavy metals check

      We test the Finished Product for Heavy Metals contaminants (Arsenic, Cadmium, Lead and Mercury) and make sure they are under the USP specified guidelines.

      Drug screen check

      We use an outside 3rd party laboratory to conduct GC-MS/ HPLC-MS testing on finished products for banned steroidal substances, if needed.

What Does This All Mean?

  • 100%

    of all inbound raw material will meet or exceed FDA standards.

  • 100%

    of all your finished products will meet or exceed FDA standards.

  • 100%

    of your finished product will always meet label claims.

Now that you truly understand what it actually takes to offer this level of quality… can you really afford to let the lowest bidding manufacturer handle your next million dollar project?