Study: The Effect of Increased Fiber Ingestion On Lipid Levels and Body Mass; A 4-Week Trial

Study The Effect of Increased Fiber Ingestion On Lipid Levels and Body Mass_ A 4-Week Trial

The Effect of Increased Fiber Ingestion On Lipid Levels and Body Mass; A 4-Week Trial

Jeff Golini PhD, Wendy L. Jones, Ian C. Clift PhD
All American Pharmaceutical, Royal Knight Incorporated, Biomedical Associates, Indiana University South Bend

Study Objective

A four-week study was conducted to assess the short-term effects of a product containing sugarbeet pulp, apple pectin and oat sterols on cholesterol, triglycerides, HDL and LDL.


Hyperlipidemia and hypercholesterolemia are major risk factors for the development of atherosclerosis, coronary artery disease and myocardial infarction.  The average fiber intake in the US is less than half of the recommended level, and even lower in those who follow the popular low carbohydrate diets. Several studies have suggested that increases in dietary fiber, such as those found in plant products, may have a positive impact on weight and cholesterol levels.

 Participants and Method

Twelve volunteers, 8 females and 4 males, with moderate obesity, were recruited for this study. Only their body mass and cholesterol levels were examined. In a 4-week trial, participants were asked to ‘make an effort’ to control their food intake and increase their consumption of dietary fiber; predominantly through the use of this test product. Participants consumed 2 tablets, 3 times daily; manufactured at All American® Pharmaceutical, containing a proprietary mixture of oat plant sterols; β-extracted from Beta vulgaris (domestic sugar beet). They were instructed to consume the tablets 30 to 45 minutes prior to each meal by chewing them up and swallowing with 8 to 12 ounces of water. Data was collected on their pre and post study weight, cholesterol, and compliance with tablet ingestion.

Results & Summary

A total of 7 out of 12 participants lost weight (averaging 0.63 kg or 1.4 lbs) and 7 out of 12 saw reductions in total cholesterol averaging 7.10 pts (3.52%). Total LDL and total triglycerides also decreased in 6 of the 12 participants an average of 11.60 pts (9.58%) and 33.16 pts (16.65%) respectively. HDL was observed to increase in 7 out of 12 participants. (Detailed numbers can be seen by clicking the Research Poster Presentation image below)

Research Poster Presentation Image: