Study: Effects of Taxadrol®On Testosterone Levels In Two Species

Study Effects of Taxadrol®On Testosterone Levels In Two Species

The Effect of a Natural Compound (Taxadrol®) On Testosterone Levels In Two Species

Jeff Golini, Ph.D.
All American Pharmaceutical, Billings, Montana


Taxadrol® is a mixture of botanical extracts derived from several all natural plant sources. These extracts are believed to be acting by either suppressing estrogen production/transformation, or encouraging the production of male hormone precursors. The action of increased testosterone production has been observed across species – in male Wistar rats, and in men.

Study Objective

The study was performed to assess the short-term benefits and possible side effects of Taxadrol® in rats and in human beings. This study was also intended to provide information on the potential
health benefits and side effects of Taxadrol® for athletes, or any male suffering from low testosterone levels.

Materials and Method

A total of 160 male Wistar rats were randomly distributed in sixteen treatment groups. Taxadrol treatment ranged from 4 mg/kg to 16 mg/kg, twice daily, via the oral route using a gastric tube. The treatment period ranged from 10 days to 31 days depending upon group. Animals were sacrificed and blood samples were assayed for testosterone levels at the close of the treatment period.

A total of three human male participants self-administered Taxadrol at a dose of 30 mg – once to three times daily, sublingually. Testosterone levels were measured before the initiation of the
study and at its close.


Following a 17 day treatment period, there was a prominent, statistically significant increase in the levels of total testosterone in the animals treated with the lower doses (4 and 8 mg/kg, twice daily). In animals treated with 8 mg/kg/twice daily, testosterone levels – both free and total, remained higher vs. the control group even after abstaining for 7 days.

All human subjects experienced dramatic increases in testosterone levels (up to 180%). Improvements were noted in strength, endurance, increases in libido, increases in body weight and decreases in body fat. No side effects were reported, but a slight increase in aggressiveness was noted. Serum Albumin and C – reactive protein levels remained within the normal range.


Taxadrol® exerts modulating effects on testosterone levels in the rat and in man. Short term use, at the dosages tested, is not associated with toxicity.

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